
王銘亨 -  個人雲端教學網頁(學校版)                                                              English

職稱 副教授

聯絡電話: (02)22308512 ext. 3303

E-mail: mhwang@mail.tpa.edu.tw









-臺灣警察專科學校交通管理科 副教授 2016/08~迄今

-開南大學運輸科技與管理學系 助理教授、副教授 2012/02~016/07

-美國堪薩斯大學運輸研究中心研究員 2008/09~2011/09

-美國伊利諾大學香檳校區研究助理 2005/05~2008/07

-中央警察大學交通學系助教 1998/08~2002/07

-國道公路警察局、台中縣警察局交通分隊長 1992/06~1998/07












-計畫主持人 路口交通號誌時相與燈號位置影響號誌轉換時段車輛駕駛行為與全紅時段設計之研究 (NT$1,559,000) 2022/08/01~2024/07/31

-計畫主持人 行人交通事故特性與路口道路幾何設計關聯性分析 (NT$837,000) 2020/08/01~2022/07/31

-計畫主持人  應用車輛偵測系統建立高速公路即時交通事故預測模式之研究 (NT556,000) 2019/08/01~2020/10/31

-計畫主持人 閃光號誌路口交通安全分析與設置準則之研究(NT$609,000) 2016/08/01-2017/010/30

-計畫主持人 先進車輛安全系統效益評估-以交通事故原因分析 (NT$540,000) 2015/08- 2016/11

-計畫主持人 建立道路交通事故預測模式之研究 (NT$442,000) 2013/06- 2014/07


-協同主持人 雲嘉南區域運輸研究中心指定型計畫案-雲林縣易肇事路段改善,交通部運輸研究所委託,2021/05-(執行中)

-協同主持人 新竹縣智慧交通安全警示系統建置計畫,新竹縣政府委託(創新交通科技),2020/06-2021/05

-RSA專家小組召集人  觀音工業區交通安全環境檢視與改善策略研究案,三福氣體委託(卓爾&成大),2020/11-2021/10

-協同主持人 桃園市桃園市路段及路口交通安全改善研究及績效評估, 桃園市政府委託(開南大學),2018/03-2019/05

-協同主持人 代理駕駛制度之研究,交通部運輸研究所委託(運輸學會),2017/05-2017/11

-協同主持人 公路客運評鑑-北區 交通部公路總局補助(運輸學會), 2016/04 – 2016/12

-協同主持人 交通部補助區域運輸研究中心計畫案(北區運輸研究中心),2015/09-2018/10

- 協同主持人 道路交通事故調查報告表修正與應用 交通部運輸研究所合作補助(逄甲大學), 2015/02 - 2015/10

-主要研究員 院頒道路交通安全方案 交通部運輸研究所合作補助 (運輸學會),2014/09 – 2015/08

-協同主持人 公路客運評鑑-北區 交通部公路總局補助 (開南大學),2012/12 – 2013/10







-桃園市院頒道路交通秩序與安全方案執行成效初評委員,2015, 2021, 2022



-Accident Analysis and Prevention–since 2020

-Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting and Journal of TRB–since 2006

-Advances in Transportation Studies (EI) –since 2009

-Journal of Transportation Safety and Security–since 2010

-Journal of Healthcare Technology and Management – since 2012






-校圖書委員: 110學年度







-法規委員會委員:108, 110年度




發表於學術期刊(具編委會及雙審查制度學術刊物)-google scholar

  1. 王銘亨 (2023, 接受刊登), 影響高速公路事故發生之車流特性暨即時交通事故預測模式之研究, 運輸學刊, 第35卷(TSCI)

  2. 王銘亨 (2022), 電動自行車與腳踏自行車和輕型機車交通事故傷害嚴重度比較, 交通學報,第22卷第,頁1-22。

  3. Lin, H-A, Chan,C.-W., Satria Wiratama, B., Chen, P.-L., Wang, M.-H., Chao, C.-J.,  Saleh, W., Huang, H.-C.  & Pai, C.-W. (2022) Evaluating the effect of drunk driving on fatal injuries among vulnerable road users in Taiwan: a population-based study. BMC Public Health 22, 2059.(SCIE) https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-022-14402-3

  4. Wang, M.-H. (2022). Investigating the Difference in Factors Contributing to the Likelihood of Motorcyclist Fatalities in Single Motorcycle and Multiple Vehicle Crashes. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health2022,19,8411. (SCIE, , SSCI) DOI https:// doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19148411

  5. Wang, M-H, (2021). The Effects of Colored Crosswalks on Pedestrian and Drivers’ Behaviors at  Signalized Intersections, Journal of EASTS, Volume 14 pp. 1760-1773, DOIhttps://doi.org/10.11175/easts.14.1760

  6. Wiratama, B.S., Chen, P.-L., Chao, C-J, Wang, M.-H, Wafaa, S, Lin, H.-A., and Pai, C.-W., (2021). Effect of Distance to Trauma Centre, Trauma Centre Level, and Trauma Centre Region on Fatal Injuries Among Motorcyclists in Taiwan, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, , 18, 2998.(SCI, SSCI) DOI: 10.3390/ijerph18062998

  7. Wang, M.-H., and Schrock, S.D, (2021), Factors Affecting the Injury Severity in E-bike with Vehicle Crashes in Taiwan, Advances in Transportation Studies: an international Journal, Issue  LIV, pp129-142. (EI).

  8. 王銘亨等人(2020),新式學校區段速限標誌試辦規劃評估,都市交通半年刊第35-2期, 頁29-55。
  9. 王銘亨等人(2020),新式立體彩色減速標線試辦規劃與評估,運輸學刊,第32卷第4期,頁373-400 (TSCI)。
  10. 王銘亨、張緯聖、吳燕山,(2019),國道員警交通事故特性分析與防策制策略之研究,交通學報,第19卷第2期,頁175-196。 
  11. Chen, P.-L. Wang, M.-H., and Pai, C.-W., (2018),  Motorcycle door crashes: An Evaluation of Crash Characteristics in Taipei City, Taiwan, PLOS ONE.(SCI)
  12. 王銘亨(2018),連續假日道路交通事故特性分析,交通學報,第18卷第1期,頁23-42。
  13. 王銘亨(2018),各國道路交通事故傷害分類暨資料蒐集制研究,交通學報,第18卷第1期,頁43-64。
  14. 許志誠、王銘亨、蔡中志、張開國、喻世祥,(2017), 代客駕車服務制度之研究,交通學報,第17卷第2期,頁139-158。
  15. 郭正成 ; 王銘亨 ; 洪境聰 ; 黃錦虹(2017) 速率回饋警示標誌成效評估之研究, 交通學報,第17卷第1期,頁83-102。
  16. 王銘亨、魏健宏,(2016),先進車輛安全配備預期效益分析-以大貨車盲點偵測器為例,交通學報,第16卷第2期,頁179-196。
  17. 王銘亨,(2016),閃光號誌路口交通事故特性分析--以臺南市為例 ,交通學報,第16卷第1期,頁39-54。
  18. 王銘亨,(2015),應用自動測速照相執法及速率管制策略用於高.速公路施工區之行車安全影響分析,交通學報,第15卷第1期,頁1-20。
  19. Wang, M.-H., C.C Kuo, (2014). The effects of automatic speed photo-radar enforcements on Taiwanese freeway systems International Journal of Mobile Network Design and Innovation, Vol. 5, No. 4, pp. 213-221.(EI)
  20. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., Vander Broek, N., and Mulinazzi, T., (2013). Estimating dynamic origin-destination data and travel demand using cell phone network data, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research, Vol. 11, No. 2, 76-86.(EI)
  21. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., Bornheimer, C., and Rescot, R., (2013) Effects of innovative portable plastic rumble strips at flagger-controlled temporary maintenance work zones, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 139, No. 2, pp. 156-164. (SCI)
  22. Wang, M.-H., Benekohal, R.F., and Ramezani, H. (2011). Safety and Headway Characteristics Analysis in Highway Work Zones with Automated Speed Enforcement, Advances of Transportation Studies– an International Journal, issue XXIII, pp.67-76.(EI)
  23. Hajbabaie, A., Medina, J.C., Wang, M.-H., Chitturi, M.V., and Benekohal, R.F. (2011), Sustained and Halo Effects of Various Speed Reduction Treatments in Highway Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2265, pp.118-128. (SCI)
  24. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R.F. (2010). Analysis of Left-Turn Saturation Flow Rates and Capacity at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2173, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 96–104. (SCI)
  25. Schrock, S. D., Heaslip, K.P., Wang, M.-H., Jasrotia, R., and Roscot, R. (2010). Closed Course Test and Analysis of Vibration and Sound Generated by Temporary Rumble Strips for Short Term Work Zone. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2169, Transportation Research Board of the National Academies, Washington, D.C., 2010, pp. 21–30. (SCI)
  26. Heaslip, K.P., Schrock, S.D., Wang, M.-H., Bai, Y., and Brady, B. (2010). A Closed Course Feasibility Analysis of Temporary Rumble Strips for Use in Short Term Work Zones. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Vol. 2, Issue 4, December 2010, pages 299- 311.
  27. Chitturi, M., Benekohal, R. F., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J. C. (2010). Effectiveness of Automated Speed Enforcement in Work Zones, ITE Journal, Vol. 80(6), Institute of Transportation Engineers, June 2010. pp.26-35.
  28. Benekohal, R. F., Wang, M.-H., Chitturi, M., Hajbabaie, A., and Medina, J.C. (2009). Speed Photo-Radar Enforcement and its Effects on Speeds in Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2096, pp.80-97. (SCI) (通訊作者)
  29. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Chitturi, M.V. (2009). Downstream Effects of Speed Photo Enforcement and Other Speed Reduction Treatments on Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2107, pp.24-33. (SCI)
  30. Benekohal, R. F., Chitturi, M., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. (2008). Automated Speed Photo Enforcement Effects on Speeds in Work Zones. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2055, pp.11-20. (SCI)
  31. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. (2007). Arrival-Based Uniform Delay Model for Exclusive Protected-Permitted Left Turn Lane at Signalized Intersections. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2027, pp.91-97. (SCI)
  32. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. (2006). The Blocked Time for Permitted Left Turn Lane Group with Two Lanes Opposing for Two Arrival Types. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 1988, pp.138-146. (SCI)


  1. Wang, M.-H., (2024, Jan), Association of intersection geometric and crash-related attributes with elderly pedestrian-involved crashes, TRB 103st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, USA
  2. Wang, M.-H.,(2022, Jan.) Investigating the Difference of Factors Contributing to Motorcyclist Fatality in Single Motorcycle and Multiple Vehicle Crashes, TRB 101st Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, USA.
  3. Wang,M.-H, Yu,C.-H., Liu, C.-P., Chang, S., Tseng, M.-T., and Ni, W.-C. (2021, Oct.),Development of Smart Accessible Pedestrian Signals for Disabled Pedestrians, ITS World Congress 2021, Hamburg, Germany, Oct, 2021.
  4. Wang,M.-H., (2021, Sep,),The Effects of Colored Crosswalks on Pedestrian and Drivers’ Behaviors at  Signalized Intersections, The 14th International Conference of Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (EASTS) , September, Hiroshima City, Japan.
  5. Wang,M.-H.; S.D. Schrock (2020, Jan). Analysis of Factors Affecting the Injury Severity in E-bike with Vehicle Crashes in Taiwan. TRB 99th Annual Meeting, Washington D.C, USA.
  6. Wang, M.-H., Wang, H.-P. Analysis of Factors Contributing to Vulnerable Road User-Involved Hit-and-Run Fatal Crashes, Road Safety & Simulation International Conference, The Hague, NL, 2017.
  7. Wang, M.-H., and Wei, C.-H., Potential Safety Benefit of the Blind Spot Detection System for Large Trucks on the Vulnerable Road Users in Taiwan, 5th International Conference on Transportation and Traffic Engineering (ICTTE ), July 2016, Lucerne, Switzerland.
  8. -Wang, M.-H., Principles for Developing Traffic Control Devices for Mixed Traffic Flow with Numerous Motor Scooters, The 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2014.
  9. -Schrock, S., Fitzsimmons, E., Lindheimer, T., Wang, M.-H., Bai, Y., Work Zone Positive Protection Policy Guidance: Synthesis of Devices and State of Practice, The 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2014.
  10. -Wang, M.-H., Kou, C-C, Chen, W.C, The Effects of Automatic Speed Photo-Radar Enforcements on Taiwanese Freeway Systems, International Road Safety & Simulation (RSS), Rome, Italy, October, 2013.
  11. -Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., Vander Broek, N., and Mulinazzi, Feasibility of Using Cellular Phone Location Data in Traffic Survey on Intercity Trips, The 92nd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2013.
  12. -Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, The Use of Cell Phone Network Data in Traffic Data Collection and Long-Haul Geographic Extent Tracking. The 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2012.
  13. Bornheimer, C., Schrock, S.D., Wang, M.-H., and Lubliner, H., Developing a Regional Safety Performance Function for Rural Two-Lane Highways. The 91st Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2012.
  14. Wang, M.-H., and Schrock, S.D. Mulinazzi, T. Deriving Cross-Region Commuting Traffic and Potential Transit Demand using Cellular Phone Positioning Data. 18th World Congress on ITS, Orlando, FL, October, 2011.
  15. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, T., Freight Data Collection Techniques and Algorithms using Cellular Phone Data. The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2011.
  16. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., Rescot, R.A., and Bornheimer, C., Field Evaluation for Portable Plastic Rumble Strips at Short-Term Maintenance Work Zones. The 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., January, 2011.
  17. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S.D., and Mulinazzi, T. The Potential of Cellular Phone Positioning Technology in Travel Behavior and Traffic Impact Study. 2010 ITS World Congress, Bussan, Korea, October, 2010.
  18. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R.F. Analysis of Left-Turn Saturation Flow Rates and Capacity at Signalized Intersections. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010.
  19. Schrock, S. D., Heaslip, K.P., Wang, M.-H., Jasrotia, R., and Rescot, R., Closed Course Test and Analysis of Vibration and Sound Generated by Temporary Rumble Strips for Short Term Work Zone. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010.
  20. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R.F. Calibration and Validation of Left Turning Traffic Operation and Performance for CORSIM. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010.
  21. Wang, M.-H., Benekohal, R.F., and Ramezani, H. Headway and Safety Analysis of Speed Law Enforcement Techniques in Highway Work Zones. The 89th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2010.
  22. Wang, M.-H., Benekohal, R.F., and Ramezani, H. Safety and Headway Characteristics Analysis in Highway Work Zones with Automated Speed Enforcement, Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Paris, France, October 2009.
  23. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., and Wang, M.-H. Pedestrian Safety and Crosswalk Signage Preferences in a Large University Campus Environment. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, France, October 2009.
  24. Wang, M.-H., Schrock, S. D., and Mulinazzi, T. Feasibility of Using Cellular Telephone Data to Determine the Truckshed of Intermodal Facilities. Mid-Continent Transportation Research Symposium, Iowa State University, August 2009.
  25. Benekohal, R.F., Wang, M-H., Chitturi, M.V., Hajbabaie, A., and Medina, J.C. Speed Photo-Radar Enforcement and its Effects on Speeds in Work zones. The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD. January, 2009.
  26. Hajbabaie, A., Benekohal, R.F., Chitturi, M.V., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Comparison of Automated Speed Enforcement and Police Presence on Speeding in Work Zones. The 88th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2009.
  27. Medina, J.C., Benekohal, R.F., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Chitturi, M.V. Spatial Effects of Speed Photo Enforcement and Other Speed Reduction Treatments on Work Zones, The 88th Annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2009.
  28. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. Real-Time Signal Timing Considering Signal Progression and Left Turn Treatment. The 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Athens, Greece, May 2008.
  29. Benekohal, R.F., Hajbabaie A., Chitturi, M.V., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Automated Speed Enforcement Effects on Speeding and Platooning In Work Zones. The 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation (AATT), Greece, May 2008.
  30. Benekohal, R. F., Chitturi, M., Hajbabaie, A., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Automated Speed Photo Enforcement Effects on Speeds in Work Zones. The 87th annual meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2008.
  31. Benekohal, R. F., Medina, J.C., and Wang, M.-H. In-street Pedestrian Crossing Signs and Effects on Pedestrian-vehicle Conflicts. The 87th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2008.
  32. Benekohal, R. F., Wang, M.-H., and Medina, J.C. Pedestrian-Vehicle Interaction and Conflicts under Various Crosswalk Treatments. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Italy, November 2007.
  33. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. Arrival-Based Uniform Delay Model for Exclusive Protected-Permitted Left Turn Lane at Signalized Intersections. The 86th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2007. Wang, M.-H., and Benekohal, R. F. The Blocked Time for Permitted Left Turn Lane Group with Two Lanes Opposing for Two Arrival Types. The 85th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, D.C., DVD, January, 2006.
  34. Benekohal, R. F., and Wang, M.-H. Uniform Delay Model for Protected-permitted Left Turn Lanes at Signalized Intersections. The 5th International Symposium on Highway Capacity and Quality of Service, Vol. 2, Yokohama, Japan, July 2006.


  1. 王銘亨, 路口道路幾何與行人交通事故特性調查分析, 2023中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研討會,臺北,12月,2023。
  2. 謝鈺芬、魏健宏、王銘亨,大型車輛事故特性與行車視野輔助系統立法影響分析,2023道路交通安全與執法研討會論文集,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2023。
  3. 王銘亨, (2021), 高速公路車流特性與即時交通事故預測模式之研究, 2021中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研討會(論文獎候選文章),臺北,12月,2021。
  4. 王銘亨,(2020),國道高速公路多車道路段車道車流比率調查分析,2020中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研討會,臺南,12月,2020。
  5. 王銘亨、熊啟中,(2020),建立號誌化路口交通安全分析模式之研究-以桃園市為例,2020道路交通安全與執法研討會論文集,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2020。
  6. 王銘亨、洪境聰、熊啟中、黃錦虹、黃貴正、常斐春,(2019),路口彩色行人穿越道試辦規劃與成效評估分析,2019中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研究會,新竹,12月,2019。
  7. 王銘亨、洪境聰、熊啟中、黃錦虹、黃貴正、常斐春、曾明德,(2019),新式學校區段速限標誌試辦規劃評估,2019中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研究會,新竹,12月,2019。
  8. 王銘亨、洪境聰、熊啓中、黃錦虹、黃貴正、常斐春、曾明德(2019),新式彩色立體減速標線試辦規劃與實測成效分析,2019道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2019。
  9. 王銘亨、許志誠、蔡中志、張開國、喻世祥,(2018),代客駕車服務業法制化之研究,2017中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研究會,台北,台中,12月,2018
  10. 王銘亨、吳燕山 、張緯聖 (2018) 國道員警交通事故特性分析與防策制策略之研究,2018道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2018。
  11. 王銘亨、廖信智、趙昭樹,(2017),道路交通事故地點與當事人住家距離關係分析,2017中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研究會,台北,台 灣,12月,2017。
  12. 王銘亨,(2017),連續假日道路交通事故特性分析,2017道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2017。
  13. 王銘亨,(2017),各國道路交通事故傷害分類暨資料蒐集制度之研究,2017道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2017。
  14. 洪境聰、許浚嘉、王銘亨、劉霈,(2017),應用約略集合於高速公路肇事特性分析,2017道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2017。
  15. 郭正成、王銘亨、洪境聰,(2016),太陽能動態速率回饋警示標誌成效之研究,2016中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研究會,花蓮,台 灣,12月,2016。
  16. 王銘亨,(2016),建立道路交通事故預測模式之研究,中華民國運輸學會年會暨學術研究會,花蓮,台 灣,12月,2016。
  17. 王銘亨、魏健宏,(2016),先進車輛安全配備預期效益分析-以大貨車盲點偵測器為例,2016道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2016。
  18. 王銘亨、廖信智,(2015),閃光號誌路口交通事故特性分析-以台南市為例,2015道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2015。
  19. 郭正成、王銘亨、陳武正,(2015),臺灣六都交通事故特性比較分析之研究,2015道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2015。
  20. 王銘亨、廖信智,(2014),機車撞擊路側固定物交通事故之危險因子分析,2014道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2014。
  21. 王銘亨,(2014),國內外ETC道路交通執法策略比較分析,道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2014。
  22. 王銘亨,(2013),應用行動電話網路於起訖資料蒐集之可行性分析,中華民國運輸學會年會,宜蘭,台 灣,12月,2013。
  23. 王銘亨、朱和貴、林志展,(2013),固定自動測速照相執法對高速公路行車速率與事故之影響分析,道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,台灣,九月,2013.
  24. 王銘亨、廖信智、陳武正,(2013),非號誌化路口交通管制設施與肇因比較分析,道路交通安全與執法 研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2013。
  25. 王銘亨,(2012),先進自動測速照相執法及速率管制策略於公路施工區之行車安全影響以美國伊利諾州 為例分析,道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2012。
  26. 王銘亨、陳武正、郭正成,(2012),應用地理資訊系統於道路交通事故與交通執法勤務及道路區域特性 之相關性分析,道路交通安全與執法研討會,中央警察大學,桃園,九月,2012。
  27. 何國榮、黃益三、王銘亨(2000),人體血液 中酒精濃度與呼氣酒精濃度在實例上的探討,89年道路交通安全與執法研討會 , 271-285。
  28. 蘇志強,李政聰,王銘亨(1999),幹道公車優先通行續進號誌控制模式之研究」,第一屆台灣 ITS 國際研討會論文集,頁 D1-9~D1-25。


  1. 王銘亨,國內外交叉路口交通號誌設置規範比分析,警專論壇,第33期,2019年12月
  2. 王銘亨,行人交通事故與道路幾何特性分析,109年提升道路交通執法與事故處理品質研討會,警察專科學校,2020年11月。
  3. 王銘亨,國內外高速公路車道使用規範對車輛占用內線車道影響比較,108年提升道路交通執法成效與安全研討會,警察專科學校,2019年11月。
  4. 王銘亨,國內外避讓法規與執勤安全比較,107年提升道路交通執法與事故處理品質研討會,警察專科學校,2018年11月。
  5. 王銘亨,閃光號誌與無號誌化路口交通事故分析與車輛停等行為觀測-以桃園市為例,警專論壇,第26期,2018年7月。
  6. 楊志君、王銘亨,自行車防竊貼碼策略與成效關係之研究,警專論壇,第23期,2017年6月。
  7. 廖信智、王銘亨,違規停車零容忍執法策略與執行成效採討-以臺南市為例,警專論壇,第22期,2017年3月。
  8. 王銘亨,速率管制及停讓執法策略-借鏡國外經驗,105年提升道路交通執法與事故處理品質研討會,警察專科學校,2016年11月。